Fresh Air Kelowna

Dakine: Outdoor
Gear Built to Last

A little over four decades ago, 1979 marked the beginning of Dakine’s brand. Situated at the base of Mt. Hood in Hood River, Oregon, Dakine’s product line was made for adventurous souls who thrive off surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, windsurfing, kiteboarding, and travelling. There’s something for everyone with Dakine’s sustainably made backpacks, travel bags, accessories, outerwear, and clothing.

Quality You Can Depend On

The basis of Dakine’s ethos rests on durability, a quality they’ve prioritized for 40 years and counting. They stand behind creating products that last longer to reduce the amount of products that end up in landfills. Details like triple-stitched seams and bomber materials ensure their products last several seasons, and all the product styles are offered with a limited lifetime warranty. This ties into their warranty program, which is used to proactively address issues, resulting in new and improved products for upcoming seasons. Fresh Air Kelowna is pleased to have Dakine’s durable sporting goods in our stores!

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The Circular Effect

Though Dakine’s products are built to span multiple seasons, when the product’s life eventually ends, the brand has set goals and practices that are carried out to reduce waste. Their innovative ‘Re-PSYCHED’ technology allows them to build outerwear with recyclable materials; all products from their Surf Traction collection and select Footwear use their Friendly Foam materials, which are biodegradable and contribute toward reducing landfill waste. Dakine aims to develop the infrastructure to fully leverage recyclable apparel in the near future. However, they are currently creating products using Re-PSYCHED fabrics, so when products reach the end of their lifespan—whether ski jackets or wetsuits—they are equipped to take care of them in an eco-conscious fashion.


The Circular Effect
Skis in Kelowna

Sustainability Empowered By Community

Dakine’s sustainability efforts were born out of a deep appreciation and respect for the places and relationships people hold dear. They believe that our planet and communities need help; every drop builds the ocean, and if we all work towards it, we can positively affect this place we call home. Dakine imbibes this into its processes by reducing the impact of its sports gear, streamlining internal processes, and working towards strengthening community advocacy by leveraging shared passions.