Fresh Air Mini Vlog 7: Amazing ski conditions, MTBCO Memberships and new brands coming soon!
Well guys what can we say. The conditions have been fantastic. It's been snowing almost everyday at Big White and Silverstar. Not little bits, we're talking big bits, it's been really good. You gotta follow the web cams, the conditions have been fantastic and we're crossing our fingers it continues on like this. Please stop snowing in town, I want some sunshine. I need some sunshine, it's getting close to bike season. We need the bike trails to clean out. We need some sunshine, we're getting so close. We need the bike trails to dry out, street sweepers out so we can get road riding. You know a little sunshine, it's time for it. On that note, who's got their MTBCO membership already. All the proceeds from the memberships go to building new trails and maintaining the trailworks we have. So that everybody that's out riding early in the wet conditions, you know it kicks up the ruts and wash outs. Makes new berm corners and stuff. So please get out and support the trial club. the trails are going to be amazing this season. Finally, we got some deals. You want to come in. Bike equipment, we've got shoes, we've got helmets. We've got cycling clothing on sale from last year in the stores. We got new stuff arriving everyday so come in. check out the really new stuff. We added a couple new brands of cycling clothing this year. not in yet, but they are going to be in soon so you gotta check it out. We got some bikes on sale, we got some new road bikes coming in. We got new gravel bikes, we got new e-bikes. We got everything, come in, you've got to see it for yourself. And there is some amazing deals, we got Trekfest coming up. There are some e-bikes that are slashed down like $1000 dollars, maybe more. You gotta come in and check it out and get out riding and get out and enjoy the fresh air.
Time to get in on the action at our sports stores in Kelowna. We’re here for expert advice and the latest skis to get you out doing what you love. See what’s in store.
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