Fresh Air Kelowna

Runners Building Shoes for Runners

Born from a single pair of trail shoes, Altra Running was designed for comfort and the ability to handle technical terrain. This initial design introduced the foundation of Altra’s signature comfort: FootShape™ and Balanced Cushioning™. This first pair of shoes trailblazed Altra’s breakthrough in the industry with premium trail running shoes, road running shoes, and hiking shoes made for every runner, every mile, and every type of terrain.

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Empowering Runners to Go the Distance

Altra Running was established to help runners reduce their stress levels; the company believed running to be an outlet rather than a cause for stress. The core concept of Altra’s shoes emerged from the belief that runners deserved a comfortable shoe that helped them run healthier, run further, run faster, and run for a lifetime—and at Fresh Air Kelowna, we couldn’t be prouder to add Altra’s running shoes to our ever-evolving collection of sporting goods.

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Two runners along a steep mountain running path. A lush green mountainside with a snowy, rocky mountain in the background. Both runners are wearing Altra running shoes and hydration vests.

Breaking Through Sterotypes

Altra had humble beginnings. It all started when two people who shared the same passion for running needed a shoe that didn’t exist yet—a running shoe that defied the industry’s norm. Being different was never an obstacle for Altra Running.

The goal was never to start a company, but when Altra learned that no one else offered what they wanted, they set out to go after it themselves. To Altra, running was never about the physical act; it was more about an escape, a challenge, a newfound community, and a way of life. They knew runners didn’t need another run-of-the-mill pair of shoes; they needed more, and Altra didn’t shy away from the challenge.

Experience the Altra Running Difference

Altra created running shoes designed to fit feet, offering comfort and performance. So much so that runners didn’t need to run to feel the difference. All it took was stepping into a pair of shoes.

Roomy Toe Box:

With enough room for your toes, they can move naturally. When your big toe has space, it stays straight, improving your natural stability. A spacious toe box also allows your toes to spread out, preventing squished toes and providing better comfort and balance, helping you move more efficiently while walking or running.

Zer-To-Low drop:

Altra Running designs their shoes to position your foot naturally. By evenly distributing your weight across the foot, they reduce unnecessary pressure on the forefoot and promote a more efficient, functional movement pattern.

Woman Runnign along a hillside wearing Altra running shoes, women's running apparel and sunglasess. The hillside is lush and green with clouds in a blue sky.
Male running along a road with hills in the background

The Altra Philosophy

Move Naturally: Pursue a healthy lifestyle by moving the way we’re all born to move.

Human Potential: Seek out opportunities to unlock the potential in themselves and others.

Discovery: Move to discover more of themselves and the world around them.

Joy: Find joy in the challenge and the experience.

Responsibility: Hold themselves to a high standard in product, people, and performance.